Winter/Spring 2011
Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children Spring Speaker Series. Burlington, VT May 12
Community Talk: “So Sexy So Soon””
Professional Workshop: “So Sexy So Soon”
Montessori Training Center International. Denver, CO April 15
Early Childhood Community Talk: “So Sexy So Soon: What Parents and Professionals Can Do to Protect Children”
Dartmouth College Annual Spring Conference for Early Childhood Professionals. Hanover, NH April 9
Keynote Address: “So Sexy So Soon”
Workshop: “Endangered Play”
Wellesley Mother’s Forum. Wellesley, MA January 11
Parent Talk: “Sexualization of Childhood: How to Protect Kids”
Summer/Fall 2010
Southern Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ November 13
Keynote Address: “Remote Control Childhood”
National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA November 4-7
Mount St. Vincent University. Halifax, Nova Scotia, CANADA October 15 & 16
Community Talk: “So Sexy So Soon”
Professional Development Workshop: “Remote Control Childhood”
Professional Development Workshop: “Impact of Toys on Play and Development in Early Childhood Settings”
Lexington Public Library. Lexington, MA October 6
Community Talk: “So Sexy So Soon”
Capitol District Child Care CouncilAnnual Education Conference. Troy, NY October 2
Keynote Address: "Endangered Play: What’s the Problem with Princesses and War Play and What can We Do about It?”
2010 Prevention of Early Learning Failure Conference. Saginaw Valley State University, MI August 16 & 17
Full-Day Training: “So Sexy So Soon”
Parent Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Wheelock College Alumni Weekend. Wheelock College, Boston, MA June 5
Presentation for Alumni: “So Sexy So Soon
Spring 2010
Vermont AEYC. Burlington, VT, MA May
Education Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Community-Wide Presentation for Parents and Professionals: “So Sexy So Soon”
Girls, Inc. Lynn, MA May
Staff & Parent Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Cambridge Public Library. Cambridge, MA April
Screening and discussion of : “Consuming Kids.” Co-sponsored by Cambridge-Somerville Child Care Resource Center & Henry Bears’ Park
2010 Reggio Emilia Pre-Institute on “Messing about in Science” and the Contributions of David & Frances Hawkins. Lesley University, Cambridge, MA April
Brief Presentation: “How the Lesley Open Education Masters Degree Program in the 70’s incorporated Messing about in Science into teacher preparation”
Coalition of Organizations Leading Children’s Programs. Romney, West Virginia April
Parent Talk: “So Sexy So Soon”
1-Day Training for professionals. “So Sexy So Soon”
Inly School. Cotuit, MA April
Parent-Teacher Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Summit County Violence and Injury Prevention Coalition Professional Symposium. Akron, OH April
Keynote: “Working with Children in Violent Times”
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood Summit. Wheelock College, Boston, MA April
Workshop: “The Ethics of Marketing Violence to Young Children in Media and Commercial Culture: The Harm Caused to Children’s Play, Learning and Behavior.”
Workshop: “Feminism Lost? Why It Is Unethical to Use Sex and Gender Stereotypes to Market to Children.”
New England Head Start Annual Conference. Newport, RI April
Talk & Workshop on “The Challenges of Nurturing Social & Emotional Development in These Times.”
American Montessori Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA March
Keynote Address: “So Sexy So Soon”
Winter 2010
Boston Institute of Contemporary Art. Boston, MA February
“Talk Back” Session on children, families and the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. Part of events connected to an installation show in conjunction with recently returned veterans of the war.
Commonwealth School. Boston, MA February
All-School Student Meeting: “So Sexy So Soon”
Churchill School. New York City, NY January
Staff presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Churchill School. New York City, NY January
Presentations for Parents and Teachers: “So Sexy So Soon”
Cambridge-Somerville Child Care Alliance. Boston, MA January
Presentation for Directors and Teachers: “So Sexy So Soon”
Fall 2009
Boston Medical Center. Boston, MA December 17
Pediatric Residents’ Seminar: “So Sexy So Soon”
National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Washington, DC November 19-21
Presentation: “Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Or Is It? The Impact of the Iraq and Afghan Wars on American Children?” (with Judy Van Hoorn)
Panelist: CEASE's 30th Anniversary Seminar: Media On, Media Off: Ways to Promote Children's Positive Development
Panelist: Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood. Screening of the documentary at the OMEP Film Festival.
Wittenberg University, Springfield Ohio November 5
Seminar & Lecture: “So Sexy So Soon”
Greenbriar County Annual Early Childhood Conference. Lewisburg, WV October 23
Keynote Address and Daylong Training: “So Sexy So Soon”
Michigan Association of Infant Mental Health. Traverse City, MI October 9
Full-Day Workshop: "Understanding and dealing with media in very young children’s lives”
Cambridge City Employees Lunchtime Family Support Talk. Cambridge, MA October 29
Lecture: “So Sexy So Soon”
Boston Children’s Hospital. Boston, MA September 29
Seminar: “So Sexy So Soon”
Boston Institute of Contemporary Art. Boston, MA September 29
Panelist discussing the Boston Premiere of the documentary film, “Playground”, about child sexual exploitation.
SMOC Headstart, Framingham, MA August 31
Inservice Conference Keynote Speaker: “So Sexy So Soon”
July 2009
Wheelock College. Boston, MA July 9 & 10
Summer Institute: “Media Madness: The Impact of Sex, Violence, & Commercial Culture on Children & Society”
June 2009
World Forum on Early Care and Education. Belfast, N. Ireland June 17-20
Presentations on Endangered Play and What We Can Do at an International Level.
May 2009
Chicago Children’s Museum Conference. Chicago, IL May 4
Keynote Address: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Beth Wilson [[email protected]]
Boston Independent Schools Collaboration May 14
Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA May 20
Boston Screening of the new documentatry: “Consuming Kids”
Panelist: Discussing “Consuming Kids” with other experts who also appear in it.
Child Life Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA May 22
Invited Address: “Endangered Play”
Contact: Danea Koss [[email protected]]
Donegal County Childcare Annual Conference. Donegal County, Ireland May 28
Keynote Address: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Avril Sweeney [[email protected]]
April 2009
Gloucester Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Partnership. Gloucester, MA. April 4
Community Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Kirsten Bergethon [[email protected]]
Mount Ida College. Newton, MA. April 6
Professional Development Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Greenstein Marlene [[email protected]]
Child Care Resource Center. Full Moon Restaurant, Cambridge, MA April 7
CCRC Fundraiser Talk: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Betsey St.Onge [[email protected]]
Commonwealth School. Boston, MA April 16
Talk to High School Students: “So Sexy So Soon and Children”
92nd Street Y, Goldman Center for Youth & Family. New York, NY. April 20
Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Teacher Workshop: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Fretta Reitzes [[email protected]]
Bank Street College Children’s School. New York, NY. April 21
Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Children’s Day School Community. Greenwich, CT April 22
Presentation: “Remote Control Childhood”
Contact: Maryanne O’Rourke [[email protected]]
Curry College. Milton, MA April 27
Educ. Dept. Annual Graduation Celebration
Talk: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Dottie Alexander [[email protected]]
Temple Beth Sholam Madison, CT April 29
Presentation: “Remote Control Childhood”
Contact: Bernadette Stak [[email protected]]
March 2009
Queens University. Belfast, N. Ireland. February 13-March 4
Presentation: TBD
Cape Town, South Africa. March 10-26
Activities: Variety TBD
Massachusetts Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference. Westboro, MA. March 28
Keynote Address: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Marcia Ferris [[email protected]]
February 2009
Shoreline Parent Cooperative Preschool Association. Seattle, WA. February 3
Parent Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Silje M. Sodal [[email protected]]
Puget Sound Association for the Education of Young Children. Seattle, WA. February 4
Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Jennifer Karshna [[email protected]]
January 2009
Fayerweather Street School. Cambridge, MA. January 8
Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Connie Biewald [[email protected]]
PS89. 201 Warren Street, New York, NY. January 12
Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Charlotte Malkmus [[email protected]]
Resurrection Episcopal Day School. New York, NY. January 13
Parent Talk: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Laurie Hogen [[email protected]]
Horace Mann School. New York, NY. January 14
Faculty Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Parent Presentation: “So Sexy So Soon”
Contact: Nicole Zissu [[email protected]]
Porter Square Books. Cambridge, MA. January 29
Book Reading & Signing: Jean & Diane
Contact: Ellen Jarrett [[email protected]]
Click here for past presentations in and before 2008.