Diane Levin recently spoke with Yahoo! Parenting about the recent cover of Sports Illustrated featuring Hannah Davis and the message it’s sending to our children
This article first appeared in the Boston Globe and again in the Telegram. by Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Ed.D. and Diane E. Levin, Ph.D. If people are shocked by the killings in Jonesboro, Arkansas, which follow the killings in Stamps, Arkansas, which follow the killings in West Paducah, Kentucky, and Pearl, Mississippi, which follow on the heels [Click for more…]
I want you all to know about the exciting new guide, “Facing the Screen Dilemma: Children, Technology and Early Education.” It is described below in the message that was sent out to list members of my organization, Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children’s Entertainment. As you’ll read below, I co-authored the guide with two colleagues who also care deeply [Click for more…]
The “Let’s Move” Campaign to battle childhood obesity targets 4 campaign pillars which are appropriate and laudable strategies. But, Mrs. Obama, these 4 pillars will fail if you do not add an essential 5th pillar to your Campaign: Curbing the power of corporations to market junk food to children I’m sure you know that marketing [Click for more…]
By Rachel Simmons | February 25th, 2010 | 107 comments As a relationship advice columnist for Teen Vogue, I get a lot of mail from girls in “no strings attached” relationships. The girls describe themselves as “kind of” with a guy, “sort of” seeing him, or “hanging out” with him. The guy may be noncommittal, [Click for more…]