May 152016
Media Institute: Media Education for the 21st Century

NEWLY REVISED SUMMER INSTITUTE/COURSE taught by Diane Levin and Lexi Ladd and others at Wheelock, in conjunction with Mass Media Literacy Dates: July 5-8, 2016, 9am – 6pm Format: One-week, on-campus intensive Course Description: Examine the profound influence media and media culture are having on children’s development, learning and attitudes. Explore media’s impact on families, [Click for more…]

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Sep 112014

In a recent article in the New York Times, Nick Bilton relates the story of learning that Steve Jobs had not allowed his children to use the iPad. “So, your kids must love the iPad?” I asked Mr. Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. “They haven’t [Click for more…]

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Nov 132013

This post originally appeared on Diane’s blog on the Huffington Post. The Massachusetts Legislature’s House-Senate Joint Committee on Education recently heard testimony on behalf of legislation proposed to develop comprehensive media literacy education in kindergarten through 12th grade. I testified in strong support of this legislation because of my deep concern about how media and technology are affecting today’s young children [Click for more…]

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Apr 172013
In the Aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombings: Resources for Helping Children Deal with News Violence

As I am feeling the distress of the city as the rampant violence in the world has now hit Boston. Children in Boston and beyond are hearing yet again about the horrors of violence.  Here are 2 items I have written in the past about how adults can help children deal with violence they hear [Click for more…]

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